Need a server? We're here
to help.

Our plans offer high quality setups for affordable prices. Trust us. You won't regret it.

Contact us on Skype: porticano.setupsTake a look at our McMart page.
Past and Current Clients:

Sync Across All Devices

Everything you need to make your business/server grow super fast!

Automatic Skype Notification

With our skype notification system, you can be sure never to miss a beat during our setups. Our agents will respond within 6 hours to any request on Skype.

Mobile App (In Development)

Our mobile app is on the cutting edge of being finished, where you can browse plans, talk with our agents, submit tickets, and even buy packages.


All of our jobs are done within the time allotted by the customer, or the client receives the product, along with a 50% refund.


If you have any problem with our service, contact Customer Support, and they will issue you a full refund, as well as a sincere apology. 


Our support team, staff, sales specialists, and development team know how to complete a job well, so you'll come back to us again.


We're the new generation of Gaming Server Setups: Affordable, and High Quality.

Plans & Pricing

Experience the best in the business.

Pricing is rather hard, because each server is unique, and we use different features, builds, and plugins for each server. For MC Servers, You need to pay for a: Domain, Logo, Banner, Hosing, Premium Plugins, and Builds. The server art should be about 45-55$, and the domain within 15.00, with hosting when GoDaddy is used. Premium Plugins and Build charge by the product. After that, there's the added labor cost, which takes up most of the payment.

For TF2 and CS:GO servers, we set up the server with, and they charge 79 cents a slot for a private server, 99 cents for a public one. We add on a cost of 10 cents per slot of labor costs.

For Minecraft Configurations, we offer a variety of packages. Small Configurations are 1.50-3.00 each, and if bought in a package of 5, is 7$. Mediums are 3.50-5.00, and if bought in packages of 5, they're 15.50$. Large Configuartions are 5.50-10.00, and if bought in packages of 5, are 25.50$. Bungeecord can be setup for 3.00$ a server, and Permissions can also be arranged for 5 cents a permission, per group.

Graphic Design is also, again, hard, because we make sure it's what the client wants. So, logos are about 40$+, and banners are 5$+.

Web development needs to be negotiated with our sales staff on Skype, because it requires different factors of information that cannot be factored on this website to create a changing price. (Our web development is professional, and you should have a budget of 100$+).

What Server Owners Say About Us

“Of course I'll work with them again. By far the most professional service on the market, and their prices make it easy for anyone to become a server owner at the click of a button.”

Owner of Raeburg LLC

“Ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna”

Sergie Kalashnikov
CEO at BentoBox

“Nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.”

Bryant Chou
CTO at Slapper Labs